Coptic Orthodox Prayer Rope - 100 Knots

Coptic Orthodox Prayer Rope - 100 Knots

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According to the ancient monastic tradition, the prayer ropes are blessed and handmade at the Coptic Orthodox Monastery. 

How to use: When praying, say "Lord Jesus Christ (Iyesus Kristos), Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." (Ge'ez): Igzee'o Meharene Kristos (Lord have compassion upon us, O Christ: Lord.), (Coptic): Kyrie Eleison (Lord Have Mercy), (Greek): Kyrie Eleison (Lord Have Mercy). Hold the prayer rope in the left hand, leaving the right hand free to make the sign of the cross. The prayer rope is traditionally wrapped around the left wrist so that it continues to remind one to pray without ceasing. It may also be placed in the (left) pocket, but should not be hung around the neck. The reason for this is humility: one should not be ostentatious or conspicuous in displaying the prayer rope for others to see.

-Brown, 100% satin cord, 100 Knots.

Coptic: ⲙⲉⲕⲩⲧⲁⲣⲓⲁ – mequetaria / mequtaria; Ge'ez: መቁጠሪያ/መቍጠርያ – mequteria / mequeteria ; Gree: κομποσκοίνι – komboskini; Russian: чётки – chotki or вервица – vervitsa; Arabic: مسبحةmisbaḥa; Romanian: metanii / metanier; Serbian: бројаница / brojanica – broyanitsa; Macedonian: бројаница - broyanitsa; Bulgarian: броеница – broyenitsa.